Ask the Doctor

I have not been able to run for 10 months and believe I am suffering from hamstring tendinopathy. The pain is on the back of my thigh in the area at the top of my hamstring. What is the diagnosis and treatment for this type of leg injury?

Dr. Bruene

Dr. Julia R. Bruene:

I have not been able to run for 10 months and believe I am suffering from hamstring tendinopathy. The pain is on the back of my thigh in the area at the top of my hamstring. What is the diagnosis and treatment for this type of leg injury?

Treatment Options:

Treatment includes an anti-inflammatory medication to reduce pain and inflammation, icing, and rest from activity that may aggravate the injury until the pain is gone. In some instances, a deep tissue massage or other manual therapy may also be recommended as an effective form of treatment. Once the pain and inflammation have subsided, it is imperative to develop and maintain a stretching and strengthening exercise program to avoid future injury. The treating physician and physical therapist will provide recommendations on when to begin an exercise program and the appropriate exercises and will most likely emphasize a gradual return to running.

For more information about Dr. Bruene and the physicians of Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush, call 877 MD BONES (877.632.6637) or schedule an appointment.

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