Like other parts of your body, your feet play a crucial role in your day-to-day life since they provide balance, mobility, and support. Since you’re placing your entire body weight on your feet with every single step you take, you need these parts to be healthy and in good shape at all times.

However, there are instances when you sustain a foot injury. Whether it’s due to a misstep, an impact from heavy weight, falls, overuse, or other similar situations, dealing with foot injuries can be devastating. With all the pain, swelling, stiffness, and other symptoms you experience, your mobility and whole life are affected.

Below are the four common foot injuries, along with five treatment options that you need to know from the get-go:

Foot Injuries

There are different types of foot injuries that people tend to take for granted. These can include:

  • Plantar Fasciitis

If you feel a stabbing pain in the heel part of your foot, you may have a foot injury known as plantar fasciitis. It refers to the inflammation of your plantar fascia, a thick tissue connecting your heel to the bottom of your foot. It usually occurs when your physical activities put too much pressure on the arch or heel of your foot, or your job requires constant standing.

Although the pain in plantar fasciitis gradually lessens throughout the day, taking it for granted may only result in severe foot damage, which means dull pain when standing, walking, or running.

  • Stress Fracture

Another common foot injury to keep in mind is the stress fracture. It’s characterized by small cracks in your bone, causing severe pain in the affected area. Stress fractures happen when you overdo a physical activity, such as running.

If you’re a runner who tends to increase the mileage prematurely, you may also be prone to sustaining this foot injury. However, it’s important to note that having a stress fracture that’s not treated correctly may cause some mobility issues, thereby keeping you from doing your normal activities.

  • Bunions

If you have a big bump of bone or tissue at the bottom of your big toe, it can signify that you have bunions. Although a genetic predisposition can cause them, bunions can be due to arthritis or wearing too-tight shoes. When you suffer from this foot injury, the skin around the affected area may be sore, warm to touch, and, in some cases, painful.

For instance, corrective foot surgery and other similar procedures may be necessary when the bunions are so painful that you can no longer move comfortably with your feet.

  • Heel Spurs

If you feel a knife stab at the base of your foot while standing, it can be a sign you’re dealing with a foot injury called heel spurs. It usually occurs when there’s a buildup of calcium deposits in your heel bone.

Moreover, you’re at risk of developing this foot injury when you have tight ligaments due to dancing, jumping, running, or flat feet. Although heel spurs aren’t painful, the calcium buildup may cause irritation in your foot’s plantar fascia and trigger a painful sensation in your heel.

Foot Injury Treatment Options

Like other bodily injuries, foot injuries should also be taken seriously. When they’re left untreated for a long time, they can affect your ability to move comfortably and freely. Because of this, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the following treatment options:

  • Steroid Injections

Since most foot injuries cause pain and swelling, steroid injections can be an excellent treatment choice. They can work by effectively reducing inflammation and easing the pain. Generally, steroid injections can be used for individuals with plantar fasciitis and other related injuries.

  • Pain Relievers

Another way of treating foot injuries is pain relievers, particularly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They can also help alleviate pain and swelling caused by some severe foot problems.

  • Foot Surgery

When the foot injuries are too painful, or your foot requires a correction, undergoing a foot surgery may be the best thing to handle the situation. Although they can be considered a last resort treatment, surgical procedures can be necessary to treat serious foot injuries and other related conditions effectively.

  • Orthotic Devices

Foot injuries can also be treated with the use of orthotic devices. These instruments are used to support deformities or improve the movement of the feet. For example, using over-the-counter shoe inserts can help ease the pressure in the heel or a walking boot to reduce foot injuries with severe symptoms.

  • Physical Therapy

Since some foot injuries are due to tissue adhesions, undergoing physical therapy can also be ideal. It can help break down the adhesions and, in turn, alleviate inflammation and pain. Some common forms of physical therapy can include massage routine, stretching, and other foot exercises.


Dealing with foot injuries can be frustrating, significantly if it interferes with your daily and sports activities. As such, it’s essential to keep the information mentioned above in mind to educate yourself about these foot problems and the different treatment options. Remember, the more you’re familiar with some common foot injuries, the more you can handle and treat them effectively.

Author Bio:Calvin Caldwell is a podiatry student. He shares his knowledge about ankle and foot disorders by writing articles and blog posts online. During his free time, he loves hiking and hanging out with friends.

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