Kettle bell training benefits

For a simple and efficient way to incorporate full body resistance training into your routine, kettle bells are the answer. Kettle bells are an excellent piece of portable, inexpensive and compact kit. A highly adaptable piece of equipment, this simple piece of kit provides a full body workout, working the upper body, legs, back and core muscles.

The main kettle bell exercises are the kettle bell swing, press and clean, and squats. Delivering a dynamic and ballistic resistance training work out strategy whilst targeting major muscle groups, kettle bells are an excellent and efficient piece of equipment. Training correctly with kettle bells builds overall strength and mobility which helps guard against the risk of sporting injury.

1. Improves Muscular Strength and Endurance

?Performing kettle bell swings is a whole-body compound movement – which is proven to be more powerful in building muscle strength than isolated movement. Furthermore the singular weight of the kettle bell necessitates the recruitment of more stabiliser muscles, and engages more muscles to support the dynamic nature of the movement whilst supporting the weight-bearing aspect of the work out. Kettle bells are excellent for building and improving strength in the arms, shoulders, core, upper and lower back, and thighs.

2. Provides An Efficient Workout

Perfect for busy people, just 5 minutes of a kettle bell workout provides a comprehensive full body conditioning and cardio workout, to get the blood pumping and provide full body conditioning. A compact piece of kit, a kettle bell at your chosen weight is easy to store at home, so it is a highly convenient way to fit in resistance and cardio training regardless of your schedule.

3. Excellent for Strengthening the Back

The main advantage of kettle bell exercises is that a dynamic movement is performed without overloading the back. It is of particular benefit for improving strength and mobility in the lower back. Providing a kettle bell swing is performed correctly, it is a ballistic movement powered by the hips, which allows for comprehensive lower back strength training without the risk of overloading the lower back.

4. Core Strength

Kettle bell swings encourage the development of core strength, as the abdominal muscles are relied upon to contract and support the ballistic nature of the movement. Developing and maintaining core strength is of fundamental importance to athletes and of particular significance to those wishing to guide against back pain and injury.

5. Promotes Fat Loss

The combined dynamic and weight-bearing nature of kettle bell reps have a powerful effect on the metabolism and burn calories efficiently over a short period of time. Furthermore, increasing lean muscle-mass promotes on-going fat loss and an increase in metabolic rate and efficacy. Due the the duality of a kettle bell work out – dynamic cardio and weight training – these benefits are particularly powerful.

By Sports Injury Clinic

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