For the longest time, one of the main obstacles to becoming fit, except for motivation, was the affordability of personal trainers.

A session with a personal trainer, on average, costs between $50 and $70, and not without a reason. But still, it is something that is not accessible to everyone.

However, the ever-growing wave of newly released gadgets and fitness-related technologies might be able to lower the costs and help you get in shape even if you can’t afford a personal trainer.

Wearables and Their Value

Wearables, even though until recently they seemed like something out of science fiction movies, are becoming more and more popular by the day.

When we say wearable, we mostly think of smartwatches and pedometers, but they can be just any device that you can wear comfortably, and in this case, that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

They track your day-to-day activity and give you a better overview of where you stand.

So what is some value that wearables can bring into your daily life

1. Increased Motivation and Interest

Many people often put their health at the bottom of their priority list. It stresses them out and they just don’t want to think about it.

But using a wearable raises your interest in your health. And just the fact that you have a device on you may serve as a reminder to pay attention to your body.

Besides, fitness technology makes you focus on rest, just as much as on hard work.

2. Tracking Progress and Goals

Another obstacle in achieving your goals is not seeing the progress or having a goal clearly set.

But with a wearable device that tracks your steps, heart rate, sleep schedule and so much more, you will be able to track the progress as it moves towards your goal by the hour.

3. Preventive Care

With so much going on around us at all times, we often forget to put our health first and ask for help when help is needed. Oftentimes, not until the problems become almost insurmountable.

Luckily, with wearable devices, it is much easier to track and spot potential problems. Even monitor pre-existing conditions.

And it is much harder to ignore a problem when it’s looking right at you.

Latest Trends and Best Options

If you are looking to start your fitness journey, you might find it hard to decide on a device you want to use. Besides, the evolution of mHealth app development went faster than you’d expect.

No wonder, with the market this condensed and new offers popping up on every corner.

Here are some devices that we love:

1. Moov Now

Moov Now is an incredible light bracelet for your wrist or ankle and it can track almost any activity. Hiking, swimming, biking, even boxing!

The battery can last up to 6 months, and it can even notify you if your posture is wrong.

2. FitBit Alta

FitBit is among the pioneers of fitness trackers, and they still stand strong.

Apart from regular features like calorie, step, and distance counter, FitBit Alta also has move reminders, sleep trackers, auto-exercise recognition, long battery life, and even call and SMS options.

3. Motive Ring

Motive Ring is probably the most subtle option there is. Even though small and almost invisible, it can track your activity, sleep, and even the progress to your goal.

Can Technologies Displace  Human Trainers

Many would argue that nothing can replace a professional human overlooking your progress.

True, personal trainers give a special, personal touch to your exercise; they motivate you, encourage you, and push you to do better. They are also always there to correct you when needed and give you much-needed advice, especially if you’re a beginner.

However, this is nothing that a device cannot do.

It may seem strange to rely on technology when technology is all around us and a big cause of stress nowadays, but it can certainly have positive effects on your fitness journey.

In the end, a personal trainer or a wearable might all be just a matter of preference.

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