Understanding Total Hip Replacement

Click here to view the animation video. Total Hip Replacement is a surgical operation involving the replacement of the cup-shaped hip socket and the ball

3D Animation on Torn ACL Procedures

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of four ligaments that are crucial to the stability of your knee. It is a strong fibrous tissue

3D Animation on Torn ACL Procedures

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of four ligaments that are crucial to the stability of your knee. It is a strong fibrous tissue

Improve your Understanding of Meniscus Problems

The two crescent-shaped menisci in each knee absorb shock, disperse weight, and reduce friction when the knee moves. Activities such as walking or jumping transfer

3D Animation on MPFL Reconstruction to Stabilize the Knee

We are excited to announce the latest HD addition to our animation library on MPFL (medial patellofemoral ligament) Reconstruction.?The kneecap or patella is a triangular-shaped

3D Animation on Torn ACL Repair with Allograft

Torn ACL Reconstruction: The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of four ligaments that are crucial to the stability of your knee. It is a

New Animation: Fully Torn Rotator Cuff Repair

We?re excited to announce the latest addition to our animation library! The new and improved HD Fully Torn Rotator Cuff Repair. Produced by?an experienced team

Improve your Understanding with 3D Animation on Shoulder Repairs

Produced by?an experienced team of medical writers, 3D animators, and project managers with a detailed understanding of anatomy and surgery; they take complex surgical procedures

Improve your Understanding with 3D Animation on Repair of Torn ACL

Produced by?an experienced team of medical writers, 3D animators, and project managers with a detailed understanding of anatomy and surgery; they take complex surgical procedures

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