When you start taking part in sports, you may notice some bizarre symptoms crop up that weren’t obvious before. Some of these symptoms may mean you’re sick. Some hematological conditions, like anemia, are pretty common but could be life-threatening if they aren’t treated.

5 Signs You May Have a Blood Cell-Related Condition

Although the following symptoms could mean you have a blood cell-related or hematological condition, you should always consult your doctor before self-diagnosing yourself or others.

1. Unusual Fatigue and Weakness

Everyone gets tired, especially at the end of the day or after a strenuous activity. However, if you have a daily lack of energy or excessive whole-body tiredness after a full night’s rest, you may be suffering from fatigue. Both red and white blood disorders may cause prolonged fatigue.

Fatigue and weakness are common symptoms of most disorders because your body’s working overtime to get rid of an illness. Or, you may be tired because you lack nutrients. You should seek hematology care from a physician or a specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

2. Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath may not be a primary concern at first because exercise will cause this symptom. When we exercise, our airways constrict, which may cause us to cough, wheeze, and feel short of breath. These symptoms should disappear during or after exercise or after resting. 

This symptom can become a concern if a blood disease is decreasing your body’s ability to transport oxygen. If you’re short of breath from doing regular activities, then you should consult a doctor, as this symptom is a common sign of sickle cell anemia, AHA, and aplastic anemia.

3. Blood That Won’t Clot

Your blood clots to prevent excessive bleeding when a blood vessel is injured. If you cut yourself while playing a sport, you may notice that more blood is leaving your wound in a short amount of time, but this is normal when your heart rate increases. This isn’t normal when you’re at rest.

If your skin bruises easily, your cuts take a long time to heal, or you have unexplained bleeding gums or nosebleeds, you may have a platelet disorder. Von Willebrand disease, hemophilia, and primary thrombocythemia can increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, or blood loss.

4. Unexplained Weight Loss

When you start working out, you’re almost guaranteed to lose weight if you’re in a caloric deficit. Depending on the sport you participate in, you’ll be shedding pounds like no tomorrow. But if you think your weight loss is too excessive, start keeping a meal diary to track your calories.

Most American women need 1,600 to 2,400 calories a day, while men need 2,000 to 3,000 per day. If you’re eating more than you need with exercise and you’re still losing weight, you may have a white blood cell disorder, like lymphoma, leukemia, or myelodysplastic syndrome. 

5. Accelerated Heart Beat

An accelerated heartbeat goes together with exercise like peanut butter and jelly. Your heart needs to pump blood faster across your body to release more oxygen into your muscles. If it doesn’t, you may feel confused, tired, dizzy, short of breath, experience chest pain, or pass out.

Like the other symptoms on this list, you need to experience an accelerated heartbeat at rest for there to be a potential problem. An abnormal heart rhythm could be something as small as iron or pernicious anemia or caused by rare conditions like thalassemia or polycythemia vera.

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